Athletic Programs and Policies

Athletic Program

The Saint Clement School Athletic Program is dedicated to educating students mentally, physically and spiritually. Our athletic program is an integral part of the educational program of the school. Saint Clement views the athletic activities on the playing fields and courts as an extension of the classroom.

Saint Clement believes that participation in athletics can contribute positively to the development of students and aspires to gain maximum participation in its sports programs. In every athletic event, certain values and ideals are being taught, directly or indirectly. Athletics should offer a chance for the students to enjoy both the excitement of sports and the relaxation that it brings to the body and mind. Athletics present the opportunity for success, leadership, cooperation, and communication with fellow athletes. This is important, not only in athletics, but as an integral part of the students’ day-to-day experience.

Winning will be emphasized at the appropriate age levels. More important than winning, however, is using the sports experience to help our students learn valuable life lessons and develop positive character traits that will help them be successful in their lives.

Athletic Policies

The Saint Clement Athletic Program is governed by The Handbook For Athletes in the Catholic Elementary School published by the Archdiocese of Chicago in May 2011. As an extension of that document, The Saint Clement Athletic Handbook uses the guidelines set forth by the Archdiocese and specifically defines them for Saint Clement School.

Saint Clement is in partnership with the Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA), a national non-profit organization with the mission to provide athletes a positive, character building youth sports experience. Saint Clement will use the tools and models offered by PCA to support these principles. Saint Clement requires all of its Coaches to have Double Goal Coach Certification with PCA. In addition, parents whose children participate in a Saint Clement athletic program are required to attend a PCA workshop


Concussion Form

IESA Medical Form


Teams & Schedules

